Termidor SC Termiticide / Insecticide is currently the most popular termiticide on the market today. The reason is because it is 100% effective at controlling termites within 3 months or less. Not only does Termidor does a very good job in getting rid of termites, this is also a very effective insecticide for general pest treatment. Please note, this is for outdoor use only.
The active ingredient is Fipronil 9.1%.
Will eliminate the following but not limited to: Termites, Carpenter Ants, Crazy Ants, Argentine Ants and other ant species including crazy rasberry ants. Also labeled as an outside perimeter pest control treatment only for the following pests: Asian Beetles, Boxelder Bugs, Pill Bugs, Centipedes, Cockroaches (Australian, Oriental, Smokey Brown), Crickets, Earwigs, Cluster Flies, Millipedes, Silverfish, Spiders, Brown Dog Ticks, Paper Wasps, and Yellow Jackets
$74.90 USD
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