Pest Control
  • Cy-Kick CS

    Cy-Kick CS is a controlled release insecticide that will last up to 90 days once applied. This product is labeled for a broad spectrum of pest control and high effective for outside use due to the ability to stay on surfaces. 

    When applied, there is shell around the active ingredient that increases residual control by protecting it from ultra violet rays, weather, porous and greasy surfaces and absorption into soil or organic matter. It also acts as a barrier to diminish exposure to humans and pets while reducing plant phytotoxicity and staining

    The active ingredient is Cyfluthrin 6.0%. 

    Can be used for the following pests but not limited to:

    Ants, Bees, Boxelder Bugs, Cadelles, Carpenter Ants, Carpenter Bees, Centipedes, Chocolate Moths, Cigarette Beetles, Clover Mites, Cluster Flies, Cockroaches, Crickets, Darkling Beetles, Dermestids, Drugstore Beetles, Earwigs, Elm-leaf Beetles, Fire Ants, Firebrats, Fleas, Flies, Flour Beetles, Grain Weevils, Hide Beetles, Hornets, Indian Meal Moths, Larder Beetles, Lesser Grain Borers, Lesser Mealworms, Mediterranean Flour Moths, Merchant Grain Beetles, Mealworms, Millipedes, Rice Weevils, Sawtoothed Grain Beetles, Scorpions, Silverfish, Sowbugs, Spiders, Springtails, Termites, Ticks, Yellow Jackets, Warehouse Moths, Wasps, Wood Wasps, Wood Infesting Borers and Beetles

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    Cy-Kick CS

    Cy-Kick CS

    $59.00 USD

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