Pest Control
  • Tempo SC Ultra

    Tempo SC Ultra is an odorless pesticide with very low visible residue. The active ingredient is beta-cyfluthrin. This is basically the liquid version of the powder formulation.

    Some of the pests this will control are:

    Annual bluegrass weevils (adult), ants, aphids, armyworms, bagworms, black turfgrass ataenius beetles, bluegrass billbugs, chinch bugs, cutworms, emerald ash borers, fungus gnats, grasshoppers, lace bugs, leaf-feeding beetles (adults and larvae), scale insects (crawlers), sod webworms, spiders, thrips and ticks.

    Stored grain pests controlled:

    Cadelle beetles, cigarette beetles, confused flour beetles, dermestid beetles, drugstore beetles, granary weevils, hide beetles, Indian meal moths, larder beetles, leather beetles, lesser grain borers, lesser mealworms, Mediterranean flour moths, merchant grain beetles, mealworms, red flour beetles, rice weevils, sawtoothed grain beetles and warehouse beetles 

    240 mL (8 fl oz): makes up to 30 gallons of finished solution and treats up to 30,000 sq. ft.

    900 mL (31 fl oz): makes up to 112 gallons of finished solution and treats up to 112,000 sq. ft.

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    Tempo SC Ultra

    Tempo SC Ultra

    $51.00 USD

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